
The HACR Lab (Harnessing Automation in Cybersecurity Reasoning) is a research lab at Montana State University focused on developing novel techniques in program analysis, machine learning, and automated reasoning to address the inherent complexities in cybersecurity tasks such as vulnerabilty discovery, exploitation, and reverse engineering.

In addition to research, HACR Lab members run the learn2ctf CTF team as a way to introduce students and others to offensive computer security.


  • The poster Formalizing Cognitive Biases for Cybersecurity Defenses is accepted to ACM CCS.

  • The paper Formalizing Discovery of Weird States and Weird Machine Primitives Using Program Semantics is accepted to the Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS, co-located with ACM CCS).

  • The HACR Lab joins as a partner to the ACE Institute at Arizona State University using pwn.college for learn2ctf training.

  • Dr. Revelle visits Los Alamos National Laboratory to participate in the Cyber Science Research Program invited speaker seminar series.

  • The HACR Lab is founded.